Guild Chats: Pin Messages and Private Messaging Enhanced | GuildsVR

Guild Chats: Pin Messages and Private Messaging Enhanced

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  • SoberStoner

    These additions are designed to make communication more efficient, organized, and user-friendly. Let’s dive into the details:

    1. Pin Messages to Top of the Conversation: Now, you have the power to pin essential messages right at the top of your guild chat! Whether it’s important announcements, key strategies, or any information you want to ensure all members see, the new “Pin Message” feature allows you to highlight and prioritize specific messages.

    To use this feature, simply navigate to the message you want to pin, click on the three dots menu, and select “Pin to Top.” Pinned messages will stay prominently displayed at the top of the chat, making them easily accessible for all members. It’s a great way to keep everyone on the same page and ensure crucial information doesn’t get buried in the conversation.

    2. Private Message Button in Guild Chats: In guild chats, connecting with individual members has never been easier. We’ve introduced a “Private Message” button directly within the player list of your guild chat. This means you can initiate one-on-one conversations seamlessly without leaving the guild chat environment.

    Simply click on a member’s name in the player list, and you’ll find the “Private Message” button. This streamlined process enhances your ability to communicate privately while maintaining the convenience of staying within the guild chat setting. It’s a small change that makes a big difference in your communication options.

    As always, I appreciate your feedback, so feel free to let me know how these changes positively impact your interactions.

    Happy chatting!

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